Hardys Riddle Moscato 750ml
Hardys Riddle Moscato 750ml
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Hardys Riddle Moscato is a delightful wine with luscious and aromatic qualities of the Muscat grape. It features a pale straw color with hints of green, indicating a fresh and lively nature. The fragrance offers ripe peach, apricot, and orange blossom notes, along with hints of honey and citrus. These fragrances mingle together to create an inviting and sweet scent. On the palate, the wine delights with flavors of sweet peach, apricot, and citrus, while also possessing a light and lively fizz for added refreshment. Its light body and soft acidity make it a sweet, fruity, and thoroughly enjoyable wine. The finish is smooth and satisfying, with a lingering sweetness that will leave you craving more. Versatile and food-friendly, Hardys Riddle Moscato pairs perfectly with light appetizers, salads, spicy Asian dishes, and desserts. It also makes for a delightful standalone choice, especially on a warm summer day.
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